We called, emailed, and messaged you!

You may have gotten a call, email, or LinkedIn message from one of our headhunters. The first thing you're thinking is “How did you get my name?” It’s the information age, and it’s the job of Element Partners to find out who the game changers are in your industry. 

Whether you're leading a team in the service department, the accounting office, or the sales floor, our job at Element is to know who you are and to see what an opportunity would have to look like for you to give it serious consideration.

Who is in your professional circle?


We ask if you know someone in your professional circle who is open to taking a look at unique opportunities? Smart car business leaders know that you should never shut the door on potentially career changing opportunities. Savvy smart car business leaders know it never hurts to evaluate an opportunity to see if it has the potential to outperform the benefits of their current role.

Why should you consider making a move?


9 out of 10 automotive professionals we talk to tell us that they’re not interested in changing jobs and they’re not looking for a job!

That makes you a perfect candidate for us and for our client. We are always looking for top performers who are doing good but are ready for great!

Why would you tell us you are not looking for a job? Of course, they may be perfectly happy where they are. They don’t know who we are and why would you confide in someone you barely know about your deep seated career aspirations. We get it! 

The truth is… we know that a majority of automotive professionals would gladly change jobs if it meant they could prosper more financially, work for someone who genuinely appreciates their work, and allow them to fully utilize their talents and skills to make their job more enjoyable.

Something compelled you to drop in and check us out. Isn’t it time that you took a courageous step forward in your career. We can help!

you should call us back and chat!


We know that you get offered jobs all of the time. We know that it is going to be very difficult for you to consider making a move. We only ask that you give us a shot and consider an exploratory meeting with our client. It may not work out, but at the very least you created a new connection in your professional network, and at best you may have just found your dream job! How’s that sound?

Call us today [214-701-4498]