Element Automotive Partners is a trusted leader in automotive recruiting. We are honored to partner with the largest and most successful dealership groups across the nation. However, we wanted to do more to impact and give back to the communities we serve. Our leadership team established “ElementCARES” to be the non-profit, philanthropic branch of our organization.

*All donations are tax-deductible through our partner Kaleo-Dallas.

ElementCARES Campaign 1: Dori’s Project

Somewhere, in a small town under the blue skies of America there lives a 10 year old girl that has lived safely with her aunt and biological sister for the past 2.5 years. Same bed. Same sheets. Same plates and same smells. Her biological father that molested her, is fighting the lengthy legal battle to get her placed with his parents. Their DNA says there is a relation but this child does not know them. She doesn't know what their sheets look like or the pattern of plates they eat their meals off. She’s not familiar with their voices or their routines. But she does know that she’s living in a safe haven with her aunt and baby sister (whom she has helped take care of since birth due to the sizable age difference).

It appears that the judge is leaning towards granting the convicted pedophile access to his daughter. No, she wouldn’t be living with him. But the grandparents have no plan in place to protect Dori. The grandparents live in constant denial and believe that their sons (yes, more than one - which are both convicted sex offenders that have served time behind bars) were framed. (It’s okay to aggressively shake your head at this point.)

Dori’s Project, through Element CARES, has hired an aggressive attorney to fight the war to keep Dori where she is: safe & with her sister. It’s not going to be easy. It’s not going to be cheap.

Please consider donating to Project Dori. Every penny given will go directly to defending her & keeping her in a safe place. Thank you for your support & involvement. Thank you for making a difference in her future.

CLICK HERE to donate!

ElementCARES Campaign 2: The Horse Rescue

Thousands of horses and donkeys are shipped to be slaughtered every year to Mexico and Canada. We are actively involved and partnered with rescue organizations whose ambitions include rescuing horses and donkeys from the feed lots who would otherwise be shipped across the border to be slaughtered for human consumption. Our partners provide them with medical attention and most importantly, find them the loving homes they deserve. Further, our partners utilize different community programs to further rehabilitate the horses, who in return help to rehabilitate the individuals in these programs. We saw the need to step forward and create a way to help the thousands of horses and donkeys that are trapped in the slaughter and horse industry pipeline.

Our organization is supported by friends, donors and volunteers that share this same belief with us!

CLICK HERE to help us save equine lives!